Construction Expert Witness


As a Construction Expert Witness who is an active, “hands-on”, working General Contractor, Home and Building Inspector, I deliver expertise regarding construction defects, standards of care, product defects, non-permit work, building code violations, disregard for maintenance, improper installation, standards of practice and blue print analysis. Being proficient in multiple building trades, I can provide you with a testimony of the highest professionalism, quality and detail.

Working in the building, repair, remodeling and maintenance industry for over 30 years I have experience in most building trades and skills, including job site safety, project planning, building codes, the proper use of materials, contracts, permits from many different municipalities and most everything related to construction.
People sitting down
Group of people communicating about law

For the last 14 years, as a legal consultant and construction expert witness, I have been retained on multiple cases, given many depositions, testified at trial and binding arbitrations. I have been involved with matters of personal injury, construction defects, fraud, standards of care, standards of practice, job site safety, product liability, cost of repairs, code violations and negligence.

A clean record with the California Register of Contractors. No violations. No criminal record never removed from a case as a construction expert witness. Licensed since August 1994. Both bonded and insured.

Complete Analysis

Accurate measurements, complete photo documentation, detailed diagrams, step-by- step charts, proper use of materials and cost estimates. I can provide lab testing, mold sampling, destructive testing and reconstruction models.




Professional & Qualified


The following is a breakdown of the types of construction, remodeling, repairs, tenant improvements, inspections and additions that I’ve done;
home inspection report
person in suit speaking publicly into a mic
Publications and

Public Speaking

Runge, K. & Vredenburgh, A.G. (2013). A False Sense of Security: Hazards Associated with Working on Flat Roofs with Parapet Walls. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Vol. 57, 590-594. 10/3/13
Presentations to member meetings for the North San Diego County Association of Realtors. 3/05 through 11/12. The subject matter was home inspections.
I also teach classes for H D Supply to facilities and maintenance personal of large multifamily residences, manufacturing and open classes to the public. The classes include: Electrical, Plumbing, Appliance Repair, Air Conditioning, Heat, Refrigerants, Swimming Pool Care, Conservation, Jobsite Safety and Team Management.
The following categories are in my field of expertise. All include the standards of practice, standards of care, the proper use, and the related building codes.